Accepting applications: Automotive and Energy Research Experience for Undergraduates Program at Oakland University
The department of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University (OU) will once again be hosting a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates ( REU ) Site, “ AERIM :Automotive and Energy Research and Industrial Mentorship Program at Oakland University.” The focus will be automotive and energy-related research topics in mechanical engineering. We are seeking to recruit talented and motivated undergraduate students from across the United States to spend 10 weeks in the summer working on a research project at OU and are especially interested in providing opportunities for women, underrepresented minority and first generation in college students . Students will be provided with a $5,000 stipend, meal allowance and other support. No prior automotive or research experience is required. We are currently planning on running the program in-person from May 22 to July 28, 2023. Our application deadline is mid-February and we will continue reviewin...