Cybermanufacturing Research Experience at Texas A&M Summer 2022; Deadline to apply is Feb. 20

 Application Deadline: February 20, 2022. Early Applications Encouraged. Apply

An NSF-funded
Cybermanufacturing REU Site at Texas A&M University invites applications from undergraduate students (rising juniors and seniors in STEM disciplines) who are strongly interested in summer research experience.  Participants will be given the opportunity to work alongside faculty and graduate student mentors in ongoing faculty research in cybermanufacturing related topics. These may include (but not limited to) developing new “Apps” for real-time applications, developing new methods and processes in manufacturing, working with innovative machines and data analytics, and investigating new design approaches. There will also be opportunities for participating in several enrichment activities such as the Aggies Invent program, GRE workshops, an industry tour, and research seminars, and Aggies Invent program.  

Program Description: The summer research program on cybermanufacturing is an REU Program (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) with funding provided by the National Science Foundation. The program will take place over the 10-week period from May 31st to August 5th, and will include mix of about four to six undergraduate students from a number of universities. The program will support housing and travel costs for field trips. Additionally, each participant will be given a weekly stipend of $500. However, students are required to attend all 10 weeks without any break except for the University approved holidays.

How to Apply:  To apply for this Summer REU position, please click here or on


Application Deadline: February 20, 2022. However, applications review process may begin as soon as they are received; therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.


For more information on Cybermanufacturing at Texas A&M, please visit





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