Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) OPEN TO ALL OU UNDERGRADUATES
We are pleased to announce the Fall 2023 competition for UROP, the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, which seeks to foster excellence in undergraduate research, scholarly projects, or creative activity. UROP is funded by the Honors College and Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships. The competition, open to all OU undergraduate students, will support selected projects undertaken under the sponsorship of individual faculty members.
UROP is administered by the Honors College, but we emphasize that the awards competition is not restricted to Honors College members and is open to all OU undergraduates. There will be approximately 20-35 scholarships awarded during the Fall competition, each with a maximum budget of $1,000. The deadline for receipt for proposals is Friday, September 22nd at 5PM for projects currently being undertaken this Fall 2023. These awards are intended to support individual projects designed and undertaken by undergraduate students, and thus each proposal should be written by the student.
Such research support can be of great benefit to capable students who seek direct involvement as undergraduates in serious and substantial research and creative projects. Broad student participation in UROP can benefit the University in many ways, including the eventual recruitment of outstanding students into departmental graduate programs.
Currently, UROP funding is awarded as a scholarship. Students may apply for UROP either individually or as a pair. If applying as a pair, any amount awarded will be divided equally between the two applicants. Students may choose whether to receive the money directly, or whether to have the money sent to their sponsoring department.
Application components:
- Itemized budget list (.pdf)
- Proposal abstract (.pdf)
- Signed letter from your faculty sponsor saying they have reviewed your proposal and budget, and that they are committed to supervising your research or creative activity. If the student is planning to have the funding sent to their sponsoring department, the letter should also include the name and contact information of the department’s financial administrator.
When you have all of the application components ready, you can submit your application according to the instructions in the following link:
Please click here to start the application.
For additional questions e-mail Dr. Amanda Minks at amandaminks@ou.edu or call 405.325.5291.
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